Fast increase oil recovery Solutions

Our fast increased oil recovery solutions cover various activities ranging from measuring, analyzing, modeling, to prioritizing and implementing actions to enhance the productivity of a field (reservoir-well-surface). This is a fundamental practice in NAED to ensure recovery of already developed fields with maximized returns. Our fast increase oil recovery solutions include:

Near-wellbore management

Gas–water coning and fingering

Near-wellbore conformance management

Removal of near-wellbore damage

Matrix stimulation or acidizing

Maximize the productivity index

Hydraulic fracturing


Prevention of organic and inorganic solid deposition in the near-wellbore/completion/pipeline

Well integrity

Prevention and remediation of casing and cement failure

Design of well completion

Optimization of artificial lift performance at field and well level

Sand control management

Efficiency of oil and gas transport

Design of surface facilities and fluid handling capacity

Production system debottlenecking